The Film Project
Giving voice to the Bakonjo people whose mountain home is changing forever.
We aim to produce a feature length documentary about the effects of climate change on the Rwenzori.
Unlike so many other films talking about issues affecting the people of Uganda, this film intends to give voice solely to Ugandans, specifically the Bakonjo people.
It will be a vehicle for people who don’t usually get a platform to tell their story to the world to do so.
We will seek contribution from leading Uganda academics from Makerere University to interview as expert witnesses on the subject of climate change in the national/regional context
The aim for this film is to put it in front of as engaged an audience as possible, those who are advocates for the mountains and climate security. As such, we aim to submit the final film through the festival circuit before providing it with a stand alone website to sit on along with a library of resoruces.