Shooting a hyperlapse of York Minster // Timelapse Photographer UK

We were in York in July and one of the aims of the trip was to capture some York hyperlapses, specifically York Minster. It is such an iconic building that I thought it would make a great feature for a hyperlapse but unfortunately the shot I wanted didn't work at night because the semi-circular path behind the minster is shut to the public at nighttime. So, a bit of a recce later and we found a few angles which might work. just shot it with a 60d and a 17-55 2.8  lens. A bit wider and a bit faster would have been nice but it didn't matter too much. The hyperlapses were processed in Lightroom and Premiere and this export is at a low bitrate for Instagram.Hyperlapsing is a really satisfying technique, as the truth of whether it has worked or not, and how good it might be is not revealed until the compiled sequence is brought into Premiere (and rendered).If you'd like a hyperlapse or timelapse for your project, or want to buy these clips at a higher resolution, get in touch today.


Location Recce & Aerial Scouting // Isle of Mull Videographer


Filming Bon Tot for international creative agency Story of Us // Edinburgh