RCN Pay Deal Filming // Camera Operator Edinburgh
Recently we were contracted to provide cinematography services for Ear Trumpet Media as part of their commission from the Royal College of Nursing to produce some short films. The films were intended to inform RCN members about the new RCN pay deal on offer to them and to encourage them to vote on it. If you are a member of the RCN and would like to vote on the deal, visit: https://smartsurvey.co.uk/s/3AYNH/In set up terms, had a look at a few different rooms to film in but ended up choosing a large room with enough depth to provide an interesting but relatively neutral background. The sun kept changing its mind which proved a challenge but dropping the South facing blinds and using a couple of light panels (key and fill) with the background window sort of acting as a back light seemed to do the job.The RCN favoured direct to camera composition as they wanted to talk directly to members. Both of the presenters were experienced and confident in doing this so that made everything easier.You can watch the two films below;